Monday, February 8, 2010

Quiet Time during the School Day

Cooped up with one another all day, every day, can get maddening sometimes.  Is there such a thing as too much togetherness?  One thing I've noticed in my homeschooling lifestyle is that my children rarely spend any time alone, without their siblings.  A couple of years ago, I was on my way home from a bible study meeting where we discussed such a thing, and it dawned on me. 

My children needed to learn to be able to sit, alone, and be content in doing so.  This is the beginning stages of what a Holy Hour is meant to be, teaching them to be content in silent peace, without relying on all the extraneous noises!

So I initiated a daily 'when we can get it in' quiet hour.  Each of the children have to spend an hour in a room of the house, alone.  Since we have more children than rooms, I rotate who goes where, or I'll have to hear "Why does she always get to go in the front room?" nonsense.  We usually do this after our afternoon school work but before the evening routine begins, usually from 2-3, depending on afternoon activities. 
During quiet time, I ask the children to spend at least a few minutes in prayer of some sort, then they can do anything that is quiet and does not require electricity, aka: no tv/computer/video games.  Quiet hour usually involves books and pretend play.

As for me, I can get some things done, do some reading, or lie down with the baby, and since they can only leave the room if nature calls or a natural disaster takes place, I usually have some much needed peace and they do too!

I have found that this quiet time rejuvenates them as much as the other breaks we take, like outside time or a mid morning break of a music and dance session.
I think they need this time away from each other and to be with themselves.  I believe that later on, it will help them in their spiritual life to understand the concept "be still and know that I am God".  I was an adult before I realized I could just sit and be quiet, without constant prayers, during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, because it seemed wrong to just sitting there.  Now I know of the blessings bestowed to me by just being in His presence. 

But quiet, whether prayerful or not, is a blessing at my house, which normally sounds like a cafeteria or stadium!
Wishing you peace,

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